SPP 1879 Managing Coordinator Mihaela Pruteanu is the new EU-ITN Network Manager

Our SPP 1879 Managing Coordinator Mihaela Pruteanu is the new EU-ITN Network Manager of the EU-funded collaborative research and training network (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network) “PEP-NET: Predictive Epigenetics”.



She will continue to be the SPP 1879 Managing Coordinator until the end of the program.

29. July 2020 | Categories News

VAAM Microbial Cell Biology Meeting – postponed to 2021!

Due to the dynamic and unstable developments concerning the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany, the 4th VAAM discussion meeting ‘Microbial Cell Biology’ is postponed to October 2021.

Save the Date: SPP 1879 PI Natalia Tschowri and Marc Erhardt, organizers of the upcoming VAAM Microbial Cell Biology Meeting (October 8-10, 2020 at the Humboldt University of Berlin), invite other SPP 1879 members to attend.

Program and Registration details: http://microcellbio.hu-berlin.de

Microbial Cell Biology 2020 Flyer

21. March 2020 | Categories News

Open PhD position on hydrolysis and functions of cyclic di-AMP in Streptomyces

A DFG-funded PhD position (E13, 65%) “Hydrolysis and functions of cyclic di-AMP in Streptomyces” is available in the group of the SPP 1879 PI Natalia Tschowri at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.
(Email: natalia.tschowri@hu-berlin.de)


23. October 2019 | Categories News